Naming a horse is a special process, filled with hope, meaning, and personal connection. For horse owners and lovers, choosing the right name can be as significant as deciding on a companion’s lifelong identity. Astrology offers a fascinating repository of names that are rich in history, culture, and inherent significance.
In this guide, we’ll explore 250 astrology horse names complete with their meanings. Whether you’re seeking a name steeped in popularity, medieval charm, royal elegance, geographic flair, or literary significance, this list has something sure to inspire.
Comprehensive 250 Astrology Horse Names
List of 50 Popular Astrology Horse Names
Choosing a name that’s well-loved and recognized can lend a sense of familiarity and timelessness to your horse. Here are 50 popular astrology-inspired horse names that resonate with celestial charm:
- Aries – Named after the first sign of the zodiac, symbolizing courage and leadership.
- Taurus – Represents strength and reliability, perfect for a steadfast horse.
- Gemini – Known for adaptability and intelligence, suitable for a quick-witted horse.
- Cancer – Symbolizes sensitivity and protection, ideal for a nurturing horse.
- Leo – Embodies strength and pride, fitting for a regal and confident horse.
- Virgo – Reflects intelligence and dedication, great for a hardworking horse.
- Libra – Associated with balance and harmony, suitable for an even-tempered horse.
- Scorpio – Represents passion and determination, ideal for a horse with a spirited nature.
- Sagittarius – Known for adventure and freedom, perfect for a horse with wanderlust.
- Capricorn – Embodies discipline and resilience, fitting for a strong-willed horse.
- Aquarius – Represents innovation and independence, suitable for a unique horse.
- Pisces – Symbolizes intuition and empathy, ideal for a gentle and understanding horse.
- Vega – Named after one of the brightest stars, symbolizing brilliance and beauty.
- Orion – Associated with the famous constellation, fitting for a strong and heroic horse.
- Lyra – Represents the lyre constellation, suitable for a harmonious and musical horse.
- Altair – Known for its brightness, perfect for a horse that stands out.
- Castor – One of the Gemini twins, symbolizing duality and companionship.
- Pollux – The other Gemini twin, representing strength and loyalty.
- Antares – A giant red star, symbolizing power and magnificence.
- Rigel – A bright star in Orion, fitting for a horse with a commanding presence.
- Betelgeuse – Known for its vastness, suitable for a large and powerful horse.
- Aldebaran – Represents the bull’s eye in Taurus, ideal for a focused horse.
- Sirius – The brightest star, symbolizing excellence and prominence.
- Arcturus – Known for its ancient origins, fitting for a wise and seasoned horse.
- Proxima – Represents proximity, suitable for a reliable and constant companion.
- Spica – A bright star in Virgo, symbolizing purity and clarity.
- Alcor – Known for its subtle presence, fitting for a horse with hidden strengths.
- Alnitak – Part of Orion’s Belt, symbolizing unity and alignment.
- Bellatrix – Known as the warrior star, suitable for a brave and resilient horse.
- Deneb – Represents the tail of the swan, ideal for a graceful and elegant horse.
- Fomalhaut – Known for its uniqueness, fitting for a one-of-a-kind horse.
- Mizar – Part of the Big Dipper, symbolizing guidance and direction.
- Polaris – Known as the North Star, suitable for a guiding and loyal horse.
- Regulus – Represents royalty, fitting for a noble and majestic horse.
- Thuban – Known for its historical significance, ideal for a horse with a storied past.
- Zuben – Represents balance, suitable for a horse with a calm demeanor.
- Mira – Known for its periodic brightness, fitting for a horse with fluctuating energy.
- Algol – Represents the Medusa star, suitable for a captivating yet mysterious horse.
- Gienah – Known for its brightness, ideal for a radiant and lively horse.
- Saiph – Part of Orion, symbolizing strength and resilience.
- Adhara – Represents the maiden, suitable for a gentle and nurturing horse.
- Wezen – Known for its vastness, fitting for a large and powerful horse.
- Rasalhague – Represents healing, ideal for a horse with a soothing presence.
- Enif – Known for its brightness, suitable for a horse that shines.
- Algieba – Represents the lion’s mane, fitting for a proud and regal horse.
- Kaus – Known for its archery symbolism, ideal for a horse with precision and focus.
- Nashira – Represents good fortune, suitable for a lucky and prosperous horse.
- Alnair – Known for its brightness, fitting for an illuminating presence.
- Sargas – Represents the arrow, ideal for a sharp and swift horse.
- Unukalhai – Known for its serpentine association, suitable for a mysterious and intriguing horse.
List of 50 Astrology Horse Medieval Names
Medieval times were rich with mystical and enchanting names, many of which were inspired by celestial bodies and astrology. Here are 50 astrology horse names with a medieval twist:
- Lancelot – Named after the legendary knight, symbolizing bravery.
- Guinevere – Represents grace and beauty, fitting for a regal mare.
- Tristan – Known for its romantic connotations, ideal for a gentle stallion.
- Isolde – Associated with mystery and allure, suitable for a captivating horse.
- Merlin – Represents wisdom and magic, perfect for an intuitive horse.
- Morgana – Known for enchantment, fitting for a mystical mare.
- Galahad – Symbolizes purity and nobility, ideal for a virtuous horse.
- Percival – Represents the quest for knowledge, suitable for a curious horse.
- Gawain – Known for loyalty and honor, fitting for a trustworthy horse.
- Arthur – Embodies leadership and strength, perfect for a strong stallion.
- Rhiannon – Represents the Moon goddess, suitable for a serene mare.
- Epona – Known as the protector of horses, fitting for a guardian horse.
- Elfin – Represents magical creatures, suitable for an enchanting horse.
- Avalon – Known for its paradise-like qualities, fitting for a horse with grace.
- Oberon – Represents the king of fairies, ideal for a regal stallion.
- Titania – Known as the fairy queen, suitable for a majestic mare.
- Puck – Represents playful mischief, fitting for a spirited horse.
- Nyx – Known as the goddess of night, suitable for a mysterious horse.
- Selene – Represents the Moon, ideal for a calm and nurturing horse.
- Chiron – Known for healing wisdom, fitting for a gentle and comforting horse.
- Circe – Represents transformation, suitable for a horse with a dynamic presence.
- Dante – Known for its literary significance, fitting for a wise stallion.
- Beatrice – Represents divine inspiration, suitable for a graceful mare.
- Orpheus – Known for musical talent, ideal for a horse with a harmonious nature.
- Eurydice – Represents enduring love, fitting for a loyal horse.
- Hecate – Known for magic and mystery, suitable for an enigmatic mare.
- Atalanta – Represents speed and skill, ideal for a swift horse.
- Andromeda – Known for beauty and sacrifice, fitting for a noble mare.
- Perseus – Represents heroism, suitable for a courageous stallion.
- Cassiopeia – Known for vanity and elegance, fitting for a proud mare.
- Hercules – Represents strength and courage, perfect for a powerful stallion.
- Theseus – Known for bravery and intelligence, suitable for a clever horse.
- Ariadne – Represents guidance and compassion, ideal for a gentle mare.
- Narcissus – Known for beauty and self-reflection, fitting for a stunning horse.
- Echo – Represents resonance and repetition, suitable for a loyal companion.
- Pandora – Known for curiosity and hope, ideal for an inquisitive mare.
- Hesperides – Represents evening grace, suitable for a serene horse.
- Calypso – Known for allure and enchantment, fitting for a captivating mare.
- Pegasus – Represents flight and freedom, ideal for a spirited stallion.
- Hippolyta – Known for strength and leadership, suitable for a commanding mare.
- Laertes – Represents loyalty and devotion, fitting for a faithful horse.
- Odysseus – Known for cunning and adventure, ideal for a resourceful stallion.
- Penelope – Represents patience and fidelity, suitable for a devoted mare.
- Achilles – Known for valor and strength, fitting for a courageous stallion.
- Brigid – Represents healing and wisdom, ideal for a nurturing mare.
- Morrigan – Known for prophecy and change, suitable for a transformative horse.
- Llewellyn – Represents light and radiance, fitting for an illuminating presence.
- Taliesin – Known for poetic skill, suitable for a lyrical and expressive horse.
- Arianrhod – Represents the silver wheel, ideal for a mystical mare.
- Gwion – Known for transformation and rebirth, fitting for a dynamic stallion.
List of 50 Astrology Horse Royal Names
Royal names evoke a sense of grandeur and nobility, making them ideal choices for majestic equines. Here are 50 astrology-inspired horse names that exude royal elegance:
- Victoria – Named after the famous queen, symbolizing victory and strength.
- Elizabeth – Represents leadership and grace, fitting for a regal mare.
- Diana – Known for beauty and resilience, ideal for a noble horse.
- Charles – Embodies tradition and authority, suitable for a commanding stallion.
- Henrietta – Represents nobility and kindness, fitting for a gentle mare.
- William – Known for courage and determination, ideal for a strong stallion.
- Catherine – Represents elegance and poise, suitable for a refined mare.
- George – Known for stability and honor, fitting for a steadfast stallion.
- Anne – Represents wisdom and compassion, ideal for a nurturing horse.
- Alexander – Embodies greatness and power, perfect for a grand stallion.
- Cleopatra – Known for allure and intelligence, suitable for a captivating mare.
- Augustus – Represents dignity and prestige, fitting for a prestigious stallion.
- Marie – Known for grace and charm, ideal for a charming mare.
- Louis – Represents strength and resilience, suitable for a sturdy stallion.
- Josephine – Known for elegance and influence, fitting for an influential mare.
- Frederick – Embodies leadership and courage, perfect for a valiant stallion.
- Eleanor – Represents wisdom and strength, suitable for a wise mare.
- Nicholas – Known for charisma and charm, ideal for a charismatic stallion.
- Marguerite – Represents beauty and refinement, fitting for a delicate mare.
- Philip – Embodies loyalty and honor, suitable for a dependable stallion.
- Beatrice – Known for grace and dignity, ideal for a dignified mare.
- Arthur – Represents nobility and legend, fitting for a legendary stallion.
- Sophia – Known for wisdom and elegance, suitable for a sophisticated mare.
- Henry – Embodies power and influence, perfect for a powerful stallion.
- Isabel – Represents beauty and grace, fitting for a graceful mare.
- Edward – Known for authority and strength, suitable for a commanding stallion.
- Charlotte – Represents charm and beauty, ideal for a charming mare.
- Richard – Embodies bravery and courage, fitting for a courageous stallion.
- Adelaide – Known for elegance and sophistication, suitable for a refined mare.
- James – Represents strength and honor, ideal for a stalwart stallion.
- Victoria – Known for sovereignty and grace, fitting for a sovereign mare.
- Albert – Embodies intelligence and wisdom, suitable for a knowledgeable stallion.
- Matilda – Represents majesty and splendor, ideal for a splendid mare.
- Ferdinand – Known for courage and leadership, fitting for a valiant stallion.
- Caroline – Represents elegance and beauty, suitable for a beautiful mare.
- Louis – Embodies strength and nobility, perfect for a noble stallion.
- Amelia – Known for grace and charm, fitting for a graceful mare.
- Charles – Represents power and authority, ideal for a powerful stallion.
- Elizabeth – Known for dignity and honor, suitable for a dignified mare.
- Philip – Embodies loyalty and devotion, fitting for a dedicated stallion.
- Alexandra – Represents elegance and grace, ideal for a graceful mare.
- Constantine – Known for strength and resilience, suitable for a resilient stallion.
- Diana – Embodies beauty and allure, perfect for a captivating mare.
- Frederick – Represents leadership and valor, fitting for a valiant stallion.
- Isabella – Known for charm and sophistication, suitable for a sophisticated mare.
- Victoria – Represents strength and grace, ideal for a gracious mare.
- Richard – Embodies courage and honor, perfect for a courageous stallion.
- Caroline – Known for elegance and charm, fitting for an elegant mare.
- Louis – Represents strength and power, suitable for a powerful stallion.
- Elizabeth – Embodies leadership and wisdom, ideal for a wise mare.
List of 50 Astrology Horse Names Inspired by Locations
Locations around the world provide a wealth of inspiration for naming horses, adding an exotic flair to their identity. Here are 50 astrology-inspired horse names drawn from various locations:
- Sahara – Named after the vast desert, symbolizing endurance and strength.
- Everest – Represents towering heights, fitting for a commanding stallion.
- Amazon – Known for its lush beauty, ideal for a vibrant mare.
- Andes – Embodies rugged beauty and resilience, suitable for a strong stallion.
- Nile – Represents life-giving waters, fitting for a nurturing horse.
- Sahara – Known for its vastness and mystery, suitable for an enigmatic mare.
- Atlas – Embodies strength and support, perfect for a sturdy stallion.
- Sydney – Represents vibrant energy and adventure, fitting for an adventurous horse.
- Paris – Known for elegance and romance, ideal for a charming mare.
- Vienna – Represents cultural richness, suitable for a sophisticated horse.
- Sahara – Known for its endless horizons, fitting for a boundless stallion.
- Himalaya – Represents majestic peaks, ideal for a regal mare.
- Amazon – Embodies wild beauty and strength, suitable for a spirited horse.
- Everest – Known for its challenge and achievement, fitting for a determined stallion.
- Nile – Represents flow and vitality, suitable for a lively mare.
- Sahara – Known for its fierce desert winds, ideal for a strong stallion.
- Andes – Represents natural wonder and majesty, fitting for a majestic horse.
- Amazon – Embodies lush abundance, suitable for a bountiful mare.
- Nile – Known for its historical significance, fitting for a wise stallion.
- Sahara – Represents endurance and fortitude, ideal for a resilient horse.
- Atlas – Known for its supportive nature, suitable for a dependable stallion.
- Sydney – Represents excitement and vibrancy, fitting for an energetic mare.
- Paris – Known for its artistic flair, ideal for a creative horse.
- Vienna – Represents cultural refinement, suitable for a cultured stallion.
- Sahara – Embodies mystery and intrigue, perfect for a captivating mare.
- Himalaya – Known for its breathtaking beauty, fitting for a stunning horse.
- Amazon – Represents strength and power, ideal for a powerful stallion.
- Everest – Known for its lofty heights, suitable for a towering mare.
- Nile – Embodies life and vitality, perfect for a lively horse.
- Sahara – Represents vastness and mystery, fitting for a mysterious stallion.
- Andes – Known for its rugged beauty, suitable for a strong mare.
- Amazon – Represents untamed wilderness, ideal for a wild horse.
- Nile – Known for its life-sustaining waters, fitting for a nurturing stallion.
- Sahara – Embodies infinite horizons, suitable for a boundless mare.
- Atlas – Represents strength and support, ideal for a sturdy horse.
- Sydney – Known for its vibrant energy, fitting for an adventurous stallion.
- Paris – Represents romance and elegance, suitable for a charming mare.
- Vienna – Known for its cultural richness, ideal for a sophisticated horse.
- Sahara – Embodies endurance and strength, perfect for a strong stallion.
- Himalaya – Represents majestic peaks, fitting for a regal mare.
- Amazon – Known for its lush beauty, suitable for a vibrant horse.
- Everest – Embodies challenge and achievement, ideal for a determined stallion.
- Nile – Represents flow and vitality, fitting for a lively mare.
- Sahara – Known for its fierce winds, suitable for a strong horse.
- Andes – Embodies natural wonder, ideal for a majestic stallion.
- Amazon – Represents lush abundance, fitting for a bountiful mare.
- Nile – Known for its historical significance, suitable for a wise horse.
- Sahara – Embodies endurance and fortitude, ideal for a resilient stallion.
- Atlas – Represents strength and support, fitting for a dependable mare.
- Sydney – Known for its excitement and vibrancy, suitable for an energetic horse.
List of 50 Astrology Horse Names Inspired by Literature
Literature has long been a source of inspiration for naming horses, adding depth and storytelling to their identity. Here are 50 astrology-inspired horse names with literary connections:
- Dante – Named after the renowned poet, symbolizing creativity and passion.
- Beatrice – Represents divine inspiration, fitting for a graceful mare.
- Orpheus – Known for musical talent, ideal for a harmonious horse.
- Eurydice – Represents enduring love, suitable for a loyal companion.
- Hecate – Known for magic and mystery, fitting for an enigmatic mare.
- Atalanta – Represents speed and skill, ideal for a swift horse.
- Andromeda – Known for beauty and sacrifice, suitable for a noble mare.
- Perseus – Represents heroism, fitting for a courageous stallion.
- Cassiopeia – Known for vanity and elegance, ideal for a proud horse.
- Hercules – Embodies strength and courage, suitable for a powerful stallion.
- Theseus – Known for bravery and intelligence, fitting for a clever horse.
- Ariadne – Represents guidance and compassion, ideal for a gentle mare.
- Narcissus – Known for beauty and self-reflection, suitable for a stunning horse.
- Echo – Represents resonance and repetition, fitting for a loyal companion.
- Pandora – Known for curiosity and hope, ideal for an inquisitive mare.
- Hesperides – Represents evening grace, suitable for a serene horse.
- Calypso – Known for allure and enchantment, fitting for a captivating mare.
- Pegasus – Represents flight and freedom, ideal for a spirited stallion.
- Hippolyta – Known for strength and leadership, suitable for a commanding mare.
- Laertes – Represents loyalty and devotion, fitting for a faithful horse.
- Odysseus – Known for cunning and adventure, ideal for a resourceful stallion.
- Penelope – Represents patience and fidelity, suitable for a devoted mare.
- Achilles – Known for valor and strength, fitting for a courageous stallion.
- Brigid – Represents healing and wisdom, ideal for a nurturing mare.
- Morrigan – Known for prophecy and change, suitable for a transformative horse.
- Llewellyn – Represents light and radiance, fitting for an illuminating presence.
- Taliesin – Known for poetic skill, suitable for a lyrical and expressive horse.
- Arianrhod – Represents the silver wheel, ideal for a mystical mare.
- Gwion – Known for transformation and rebirth, fitting for a dynamic stallion.
- Lancelot – Embodies bravery and chivalry, suitable for a noble horse.
- Guinevere – Known for grace and beauty, fitting for a regal mare.
- Tristan – Represents romantic devotion, ideal for a loving stallion.
- Isolde – Known for mystery and allure, suitable for a captivating mare.
- Merlin – Represents wisdom and magic, fitting for an intuitive horse.
- Morgana – Known for enchantment, ideal for a mystical mare.
- Galahad – Embodies purity and nobility, suitable for a virtuous horse.
- Percival – Represents the quest for knowledge, fitting for a curious stallion.
- Gawain – Known for loyalty and honor, ideal for a trustworthy horse.
- Arthur – Embodies leadership and strength, suitable for a strong stallion.
- Rhiannon – Represents the Moon goddess, fitting for a serene mare.
- Epona – Known as the protector of horses, ideal for a guardian horse.
- Elfin – Represents magical creatures, suitable for an enchanting horse.
- Avalon – Known for its paradise-like qualities, fitting for a horse with grace.
- Oberon – Represents the king of fairies, ideal for a regal stallion.
- Titania – Known as the fairy queen, suitable for a majestic mare.
- Puck – Represents playful mischief, fitting for a spirited horse.
- Nyx – Known as the goddess of night, ideal for a mysterious horse.
- Selene – Represents the Moon, fitting for a calm and nurturing horse.
- Chiron – Known for healing wisdom, suitable for a gentle and comforting horse.
- Circe – Represents transformation, ideal for a horse with a dynamic presence.
Choosing the right name for your horse is a deeply personal decision that reflects your tastes, beliefs, and aspirations. With astrology as your guide, you can find names that carry profound meanings and resonate with the celestial charm. From popular choices to those inspired by medieval times, royalty, locations, and literature, this comprehensive list of 250 astrology-inspired horse names offers a wealth of options. Explore them and find the one that perfectly captures the essence of your equine companion.